  • Opera (Mat's Mattara, RockMan) ; Another toy (Geo Da Silva, Alex Guesta, Leeliane) ; Sleepwalkers (Markus Schulz, Dakota, Grandmaster Mele Mel, Scorpio) ; Let the music play (The Teachers, Linda Newman) ; Party with me (Morris Corti, Eugenio Lamedica) ; Lick it (Stereo Palma) ; All the right moves (Jan Van Bass) ; Suspicious minds (King Junior) ; Rock this club (Rudy MC) ; Discosound 2011 (Discobump, Triple X) ; What do you want (Chris Avantgarde, Eric Chase, Postman Marv) ; Emergency (Niels Van Gogh, Daniel Strauss) ; Freak me out (Tango, Cash) ; Lifting it higher (Filip Jenven, Max C.) ; Goodbye girl (Damn Stupid) ; House you! (The Teachers, Dekay) ; Head over heels (Deelectro meets Brandox) ; Rokk the floor (Serenity, Spyer, Tevin) ; Benzin im blut (DJ Gollum, Akustikrausch) ; Du bist nicht du (Money G) ; Sběratel (Mr. Vee, Michaela)